Week One: First Post

    Hello, everyone. My name is Edward Eakins, but I go by Eddie. I was born in Olympia, Washington but have lived in Wasilla, Alaska since I was six months old. Some of my hobbies include drawing, writing, and playing video games/watching TV shows. I am currently pursing a History degree with a minor in Art, and I am also part of the Honors Program at UAF. As for what I'm hoping to use my degree for, well... we'll just see, now won't we? But I know I would like to do something involving art.

    For as long as I can remember, I have always been drawing. Even as a little kid, I loved to draw. When I was around fourteen years old is when I decided to take my drawing more seriously, and I figured that I might be able to make a career out of it. While I'm not sure what I could do with it, I have been drawing fairly consistently ever since. Four years ago, I got my first tablet and digital drawing program, which is what I now use to make art. I have been slowly getting better and better through the years, and I am proud of my work, which is something you would not have heard me say four or five years ago. Perhaps the ideal career would be to be able to draw my own comics, combining my love for drawing and storytelling to create something I can be proud of. But, we shall see what the future holds.

    Now, when it came to choosing an artist's work that I enjoy, one name immediately sprang to mind. Ayami Kojima. She is one of, if not my favorite artist out there. Some of you who play video games may know her work from the Castlvania series. The way she blends different mediums to enhance the texture of her pieces, and the overall gothic style, I just really love it. Below is an image of one of her works.

For those interested in more of Ayami Kojima's works, I will leave some links where you can peruse some more at your leisure.

This is a link to scans from her art book, Santa Lilio Sangre. (Some viewers may find some work disturbing, especially the Black and Whites. Viewer discretion is advised)

This is a Chinese article that includes some of her works, should you rather just get a brief look.




  1. Ayami Kojima is such an interesting artist with an intriguing style. Thanks for the information.

  2. Ooo! You got my interest. My husband and I are thinking that we would enjoy playing video games where we could work together with the same controller. Having beautiful art is an absolute must.

  3. Are you pursuing a degree in the History of Art with your minor, or both History and Art as separate items? Either way, that sounds very intriguing to study! Drawing your own comics sounds fun and more relaxing of a career than most. The artwork you shared with us is breathtaking; thank you for sharing links to more of her work!

    1. Well, I'm going for a general History major with Art being a secondary specialization, if you want to look at it that way. Regardless, I'm glad you enjoyed the art I shared!

  4. This was such an interesting and cool style. Great job! The artwork was fascinating and really just amazing. Thanks for sharing her work, it was really an amazing style to see.

    1. This was such an interesting and cool style. Great job! The artwork was fascinating and really just amazing. Thanks for sharing her work, it was really an amazing style to see.

  5. Hey Eddie! Majoring in history with a minor in art sounds like a great combination, especially since the two tend to overlap a lot. Art history has always fascinated me, but I'm not as bold as you to take history on as a major. I don't think I could manage all the information! The piece you shared is beautiful, and it has such depth to it. It's enrapturing and I am a sucker for games with beautiful art, so I might just have to look into the series!

  6. Very nice, I love learning about different art work.


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